Thank you Emerald Coast Hospice Care for your continued support to Jackson County Senior Citizens
Christian Center Church, Inc., along with support from members of the Jackson County community, hosted their 1st Annual Adopt a Grandparent Program. They then blessed Jackson County Senior Citizens with a monetary donation so that some local seniors in our community could receive some gifts and a bit of Christmas joy for the holidays. Along with the monetary donation towards purchasing the gifts, Christian Center Church members will provide some seniors with a holiday meal and some fellowship at their homes. We are grateful to have been a part of this wonderful program this year, and are looking forward to partnering with Christian Center Church in the future

Helpful Websites:

Social Security

Food Stamps

Area Agency on Aging for North Florida Advantage Aging Solutions

Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders (SHINE) Program

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2414 Mahan Dr,
Tallahassee, FL, 32308
Local: (850) 488-0055
Toll-Free: 1-866-467-4624
Fax: (850) 922-2420